Fertiliser spreader settings

To make sure you can find the right spreader settings for fertilisers, Yara regularly supplies its fertilisers to the various spreader manufacturers. This way they can update the settings for spreader adjustments available on their websites.

Please use the links below to select your spreader manufacturer to visit the fertiliser spreader calibrations setting page on their site.

Improve your farm's nitrogen fertiliser efficiency

Improve your farm's nitrogen fertiliser efficiency

Improving nitrogen fertiliser efficiency is one way your farm can become more productive, profitable and sustainable. Try our quiz to find out how you can improve your farm's nitrogen fertiliser efficiency.

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Where can I buy Yara fertilisers ?

Where can I buy Yara fertilisers ?

Yara supply our solid and liquid fertilisers and micronutrients through a network of local suppliers  Use our interactive map to locate your nearest suppliers.

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Are you looking for more agronomy advice ?

These articles will help you get even better results from your fertilisers by keeping you up to date with the latest agronomy advice from the Yara agronomists.