Applying fertilisers containing nitrogen and sulphur means the grass uses nitrogen more effectively, you get more kgs of dry matter per kg of nitrogen that you apply
Are you looking for information on grassland and forage crops? Start by choosing your crop.
If you haven’t done so already, sit down and complete a nutrient management plan and a liming plan for the year ahead. I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but it can’t be stressed enough.
If new soil test results have been received, then use them and don’t leave them in a drawer or your inbox! It mightn’t be long before slurry is spread, so knowing where to spread it and how much, is the starting point to using this resource wisely. Completing a plan, allows you to buy the fertiliser you need rather than the fertiliser you always buy.
For those in NVZ’s take note of when manures and fertiliser can be spread, where you can’t spread them and assess the risk of run-off before spreading.
Soil fertility is key in growing forage, and the worry is when the milk to feed price ratio is high, farmers might place less emphasis on growing sufficient high-quality forage. No national data exists, but industry figures indicate that milk from forage is on a decreasing trajectory year on year.
We seem to be feeding cows more like sows than cows. We have the climate to grow grass and clover to convert into milk by optimising grazed and conserved herbage in the diet of dairy cows.
It’s not a straightforward sum of feeding more concentrate to produce more milk, this oversimplifies the reality and doesn’t take account of more subtle extra costs associated with pushing for more milk, by feeding more concentrate and less forage.
The latest grassland fertiliser and nutrition advice from the Yara agronomists.
If you are short of time why not check out our bite-size podcasts for the latest thoughts on grassland nutrition.
If you would like more information and would like to speak to one of our area managers or agronomists please find all their contact details here.
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