• A Urease Inhibitor designed to reduce ammonia emissions from liquid fertilisers that contain urea 
  • Contains 25% w/w N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide(NBPT)
  • Available in 10 L packs from all YaraVita distributors and buying groups
Liquid fertiliser being sprayed on field crops


  • Fill the sprayer tank with half the desired quantity of fertiliser 
  • Add the correct rate of AMIPLUS LIQUID and mix thoroughly 
  • Continue agitation whilst adding the remaining quantity of fertiliser 
  • Apply the tankmix straight away 
Tractor spraying liquid fertiliser on a crop field Tractor spraying liquid fertiliser on a crop field

New DEFRA ammonia mitigation guidelines for Liquid Fertiliser

Liquid fertilisers with more than 1% urea applied any time from 1st April to 14th January each year must use effective protection to reduce ammonia emissions. 

Unprotected liquid products may be applied from 1st April and the last application in autumn if: 

  • Agronomic justification is given by FACTS-qualified farm personnel
  • Following FACTS-qualified advice specific to the crop 
  • The addition of the inhibitor is not required where liquid fertilisers incorporated into the soil (eg placement fertiliser) or foliar applications of Nufol 

Safety Considerations

Always wear suitable PPE when handling AMIPLUS LIQUID - Please refer to the MSDS for more information.

Recommended rates of use

Yara Product Name Analysis % w/v SO% w/v

Amiplus Liquid Rate ( Lt / m3)

Yara Nuram 37 37% N   0.80
Yara Nuram 35 + S 35% N  7% SO3 0.70
Yara Nuram N32 + 9.4 SO3 32% N  9.4% SO3 0.65
Yara Nuram N30.3 + 10.8 SO3 30.3% N 10.8% SO3 0.60
Yara Nuram N29 + 11.9 SO3 29% N 11.9% SO3 0.55
Yara Nuram N25 + 14.3 SO3 25% N 14.3% SO3 0.45
Yara Nuram N19 + 19 SO3 19% N 19% SO3 0.30


Please download the PDFs below regarding information on AMIPLUS LIQUID and the Safety Data Sheet.